Credentials: MD

Primary Specialty: ANESTHESIOLOGY

All Specialties: PAIN MANAGEMENT

Secondary Specialties: PAIN MANAGEMENT

Graduated from: OTHER in 1987


Group Members: 1941

Address: 12311 PERRY HWY, WEXFORD, PA 150908344

Phone: (878) 332-4387

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DMITRI VASSILIEV, MD, is specialized in ANESTHESIOLOGY with secondary specialties in PAIN MANAGEMENT. They graduated from OTHER in 1987. Currently, DMITRI VASSILIEV practices at ALLEGHENY CLINIC, which has 1941 members. The practice is located at 12311 PERRY HWY, WEXFORD, PA 150908344 and can be contacted via phone at (878) 332-4387. All information is current as of the latest processing date.