Ownership: For profit
Profit Status:
Address: 330 MONTROSE DRIVE, -, FOLSOM, CA 95630
County: Sacramento
Phone: (916) 351-9151
Certification Date: March 4, 1992
Number of Beds: 58
Value: 0.217
Value: 0.982
Value: Better than the National Benchmark
Value: 6,269
Value: 14.101
Value: 7
Value: 0.496
Value: 0.317
Value: 1.297
Value: No Different than the National Benchmark
Value: 6,545
Value: 11.712
Value: 8
Value: 0.683
Value: 434
Value: 434
Value: 100.0
Value: 434
Value: 434
Value: 100.0
Value: 12.0
Value: 161
Value: 11.5
Value: 434
Value: 0
Value: 0.0
Value: 0.018
Value: 0.353
Value: Better than the National Benchmark
Value: 16,653
Value: 18.695
Value: 2
Value: 0.107
Value: 365
Value: 254
Value: 69.6
Value: No Different than the National Rate
Value: 23.40
Value: 44
Value: 20.32
Value: 16.75
Value: 24.51
Value: 188
Value: No Different than the National Rate
Value: 28
Value: 15.47
Value: 23.73
Value: 17.07
Value: 31.58
Value: 181
Value: 178
Value: 0.94
Value: 2.0
Value: 404
Value: 8
Value: 2.0
Value: 434
Value: 369
Value: 85.0
Value: 129
Value: 123
Value: 95.3
Value: 42
Value: 42
Value: 100.0
Value: 56.2
Value: 129
Value: 67
Value: 51.9
Value: 372
Value: 337
Value: 90.6