Ownership: For profit
Profit Status:
Address: 4901 RICHARD ST, -, JACKSONVILLE, FL 32207
County: Duval
Phone: (904) 425-0500
Certification Date: May 1, 1993
Number of Beds: 107
Value: 0.536
Value: 2.423
Value: No Different than the National Benchmark
Value: 3,145
Value: 5.714
Value: 7
Value: 1.225
Value: 0.009
Value: 0.922
Value: Better than the National Benchmark
Value: 3,958
Value: 5.350
Value: 1
Value: 0.187
Value: 415
Value: 413
Value: 99.5
Value: 415
Value: 406
Value: 97.8
Value: 13.6
Value: 58
Value: 13.1
Value: 415
Value: 0
Value: 0.0
Value: 0.264
Value: 1.355
Value: No Different than the National Benchmark
Value: 10,805
Value: 9.208
Value: 6
Value: 0.652
Value: 136
Value: 82
Value: 60.3
Value: No Different than the National Rate
Value: 27.27
Value: 39
Value: 21.57
Value: 17.34
Value: 26.21
Value: 143
Value: No Different than the National Rate
Value: 20
Value: 15.27
Value: 18.10
Value: 12.38
Value: 24.89
Value: 131
Value: 115
Value: 1.13
Value: 5.1
Value: 366
Value: 16
Value: 4.4
Value: 415
Value: 413
Value: 99.5
Value: 59
Value: 59
Value: 100.0
Value: 35
Value: 34
Value: 97.1
Value: 43.9
Value: 59
Value: 27
Value: 45.8
Value: 259
Value: 194
Value: 74.9