Ownership: Non-profit
Profit Status:
Address: 6150 EDGELAKE DR, -, SARASOTA, FL 34240
County: Sarasota
Phone: (941) 342-3200
Certification Date: April 1, 2006
Number of Beds: 40
Value: 0.770
Value: 2.215
Value: No Different than the National Benchmark
Value: 7,160
Value: 10.354
Value: 14
Value: 1.352
Value: 0.078
Value: 1.539
Value: No Different than the National Benchmark
Value: 5,800
Value: 4.293
Value: 2
Value: 0.466
Value: 515
Value: 511
Value: 99.2
Value: 515
Value: 511
Value: 99.2
Value: 6.5
Value: 81
Value: 6.3
Value: 515
Value: 0
Value: 0.0
Value: 0.565
Value: 1.869
Value: No Different than the National Benchmark
Value: 13,195
Value: 10.229
Value: 11
Value: 1.075
Value: 225
Value: 122
Value: 54.2
Value: No Different than the National Rate
Value: 18.60
Value: 80
Value: 19.77
Value: 16.62
Value: 23.12
Value: 430
Value: Worse than the National Rate
Value: 44
Value: 11.25
Value: 12.50
Value: 9.55
Value: 15.90
Value: 391
Value: 344
Value: 1.06
Value: 1.9
Value: 458
Value: 8
Value: 1.7
Value: 515
Value: 509
Value: 98.8
Value: 61
Value: 59
Value: 96.7
Value: 52
Value: 52
Value: 100.0
Value: 52.6
Value: 61
Value: 34
Value: 55.7
Value: 354
Value: 263
Value: 74.3