Ownership: For profit
Profit Status:
Address: 7000 COBBLE CREEK DR, -, PENSACOLA, FL 32504
County: Escambia
Phone: (850) 479-5938
Certification Date: October 1, 2008
Number of Beds: 54
Value: 0.704
Value: 2.210
Value: No Different than the National Benchmark
Value: 4,372
Value: 9.232
Value: 12
Value: 1.300
Value: 0.367
Value: 1.659
Value: No Different than the National Benchmark
Value: 6,206
Value: 8.345
Value: 7
Value: 0.839
Value: 704
Value: 704
Value: 100.0
Value: 704
Value: 703
Value: 99.9
Value: 7.3
Value: 118
Value: 6.8
Value: 704
Value: 1
Value: 0.1
Value: 0.643
Value: 1.490
Value: No Different than the National Benchmark
Value: 21,014
Value: 21.993
Value: 22
Value: 1.000
Value: 361
Value: 259
Value: 71.7
Value: No Different than the National Rate
Value: 15.97
Value: 84
Value: 17.23
Value: 14.48
Value: 20.29
Value: 526
Value: No Different than the National Rate
Value: 85
Value: 18.56
Value: 19.50
Value: 16.19
Value: 23.47
Value: 458
Value: 425
Value: 1.00
Value: 0.6
Value: 548
Value: 3
Value: 0.5
Value: 704
Value: 688
Value: 97.7
Value: 105
Value: 101
Value: 96.2
Value: 80
Value: 48
Value: 60.0
Value: 57.8
Value: 105
Value: 67
Value: 63.8
Value: 365
Value: 315
Value: 86.3