Ownership: For profit
Profit Status:
Address: 5301 E HURON RIVER DR, 7TH FL, -, YPSILANTI, MI 48197
County: Washtenaw
Phone: (734) 712-0500
Certification Date: May 1, 1999
Number of Beds: 36
Value: 0.048
Value: 0.951
Value: Better than the National Benchmark
Value: 3,900
Value: 6.947
Value: 2
Value: 0.288
Value: 0.054
Value: 1.064
Value: No Different than the National Benchmark
Value: 4,427
Value: 6.212
Value: 2
Value: 0.322
Value: 380
Value: 377
Value: 99.2
Value: 380
Value: 380
Value: 100.0
Value: 4.7
Value: 158
Value: 4.3
Value: 380
Value: 0
Value: 0.0
Value: 0.065
Value: 0.692
Value: Better than the National Benchmark
Value: 11,376
Value: 11.796
Value: 3
Value: 0.254
Value: 583
Value: 87
Value: 14.9
Value: No Different than the National Rate
Value: 21.80
Value: 46
Value: 19.91
Value: 16.23
Value: 24.20
Value: 211
Value: No Different than the National Rate
Value: 24
Value: 11.65
Value: 14.96
Value: 10.70
Value: 20.34
Value: 206
Value: 196
Value: 0.97
Value: 0.7
Value: 316
Value: 2
Value: 0.6
Value: 380
Value: 367
Value: 96.6
Value: 95
Value: 88
Value: 92.6
Value: 87
Value: 85
Value: 97.7
Value: 65.9
Value: 95
Value: 52
Value: 54.7
Value: 273
Value: 249
Value: 91.2