Ownership: For profit
Profit Status:
County: St. Louis City
Phone: (314) 361-8700
Certification Date: August 30, 1991
Number of Beds: 60
Value: 0.031
Value: 0.621
Value: Better than the National Benchmark
Value: 5,936
Value: 10.649
Value: 2
Value: 0.188
Value: 0.287
Value: 1.472
Value: No Different than the National Benchmark
Value: 6,801
Value: 8.477
Value: 6
Value: 0.708
Value: 550
Value: 530
Value: 96.4
Value: 550
Value: 497
Value: 90.4
Value: 6.9
Value: 164
Value: 7.1
Value: 550
Value: 1
Value: 0.2
Value: 0.041
Value: 0.436
Value: Better than the National Benchmark
Value: 18,661
Value: 18.731
Value: 3
Value: 0.160
Value: 292
Value: 276
Value: 94.5
Value: No Different than the National Rate
Value: 20.80
Value: 47
Value: 18.95
Value: 15.63
Value: 22.85
Value: 226
Value: No Different than the National Rate
Value: 20
Value: 9.95
Value: 15.74
Value: 11.12
Value: 21.80
Value: 201
Value: 217
Value: 0.98
Value: 0.8
Value: 509
Value: 4
Value: 0.8
Value: 550
Value: 526
Value: 95.6
Value: 142
Value: 138
Value: 97.2
Value: 130
Value: 130
Value: 100.0
Value: 56.9
Value: 142
Value: 63
Value: 44.4
Value: 228
Value: 218
Value: 95.6