Ownership: For profit
Profit Status:
Address: 200 TAMARACK ROAD, 2ND FLOOR, -, NEWARK, OH 43055
County: Licking
Phone: (740) 588-7888
Certification Date: April 1, 2004
Number of Beds: 35
Value: 0.112
Value: 2.203
Value: No Different than the National Benchmark
Value: 2,432
Value: 2.999
Value: 2
Value: 0.667
Value: 0.111
Value: 2.179
Value: No Different than the National Benchmark
Value: 2,901
Value: 3.032
Value: 2
Value: 0.660
Value: 372
Value: 369
Value: 99.2
Value: 372
Value: 369
Value: 99.2
Value: 3.9
Value: 134
Value: 3.8
Value: 372
Value: 0
Value: 0.0
Value: 0.036
Value: 0.715
Value: Better than the National Benchmark
Value: 8,828
Value: 9.239
Value: 2
Value: 0.216
Value: 160
Value: 118
Value: 73.8
Value: No Different than the National Rate
Value: 21.25
Value: 51
Value: 19.92
Value: 16.43
Value: 24.05
Value: 240
Value: No Different than the National Rate
Value: 26
Value: 12.94
Value: 14.54
Value: 10.65
Value: 19.72
Value: 201
Value: 200
Value: 0.96
Value: 3.3
Value: 300
Value: 9
Value: 3.0
Value: 372
Value: 371
Value: 99.7
Value: 55
Value: 48
Value: 87.3
Value: 47
Value: 46
Value: 97.9
Value: 55.5
Value: 55
Value: 37
Value: 67.3
Value: 131
Value: 107
Value: 81.7