Ownership: Non-profit
Profit Status:
Address: 6019 WALNUT GROVE ROAD 1 WEST, -, MEMPHIS, TN 38120
County: Shelby
Phone: (901) 226-4200
Certification Date: July 1, 1995
Number of Beds: 30
Value: 0.079
Value: 1.566
Value: No Different than the National Benchmark
Value: 2,368
Value: 4.219
Value: 2
Value: 0.474
Value: 0.353
Value: 2.678
Value: No Different than the National Benchmark
Value: 4,304
Value: 3.603
Value: 4
Value: 1.110
Value: 176
Value: 176
Value: 100.0
Value: 176
Value: 176
Value: 100.0
Value: 7.1
Value: 71
Value: 5.5
Value: 176
Value: 0
Value: 0.0
Value: 0.451
Value: 2.314
Value: No Different than the National Benchmark
Value: 6,943
Value: 5.393
Value: 6
Value: 1.113
Value: 742
Value: 538
Value: 72.5
Value: No Different than the National Rate
Value: 21.35
Value: 38
Value: 19.18
Value: 15.85
Value: 23.79
Value: 178
Value: Better than the National Rate
Value: 38
Value: 23.46
Value: 28.43
Value: 21.63
Value: 35.83
Value: 162
Value: 160
Value: 0.94
Value: 4.7
Value: 161
Value: 6
Value: 3.7
Value: 176
Value: 173
Value: 98.3
Value: 49
Value: 48
Value: 98.0
Value: 38
Value: 37
Value: 97.4
Value: 53.8
Value: 49
Value: 28
Value: 57.1
Value: 688
Value: 683
Value: 99.3