Ownership: For profit
Profit Status:
Address: 1106 W DITTMAR, -, AUSTIN, TX 78745
County: Travis
Phone: (512) 444-4835
Certification Date: July 1, 1994
Number of Beds: 47
Value: 1.107
Value: 4.527
Value: Worse than the National Benchmark
Value: 1,590
Value: 3.356
Value: 8
Value: 2.384
Value: Not Available
Value: 2.209
Value: No Different than the National Benchmark
Value: 1,337
Value: 1.356
Value: 0
Value: 0.000
Value: 516
Value: 516
Value: 100.0
Value: 516
Value: 516
Value: 100.0
Value: 10.6
Value: 39
Value: 9.2
Value: 516
Value: 1
Value: 0.2
Value: 0.259
Value: 1.327
Value: No Different than the National Benchmark
Value: 14,407
Value: 9.403
Value: 6
Value: 0.638
Value: 277
Value: 198
Value: 71.5
Value: No Different than the National Rate
Value: 8.99
Value: 17
Value: 15.22
Value: 11.51
Value: 19.63
Value: 189
Value: Better than the National Rate
Value: 51
Value: 28.98
Value: 25.00
Value: 19.46
Value: 31.11
Value: 176
Value: 239
Value: 0.99
Value: 3.1
Value: 509
Value: 11
Value: 2.2
Value: 516
Value: 493
Value: 95.5
Value: 35
Value: 34
Value: 97.1
Value: 28
Value: 28
Value: 100.0
Value: 50.9
Value: 35
Value: 22
Value: 62.9
Value: 360
Value: 357
Value: 99.2