Business Name: DJO LLC
Address: 5919 SEA OTTER PL, STE 200, CARLSBAD, CA 92010-6750
Phone: (866) 298-2731
Certification Date: January 1, 2022
Specialties: MSC With Orthotic Personnel|Orthotic Personnel
Provider Types:
Supplies: Heat & Cold Applications | Walkers | Diabetic Shoes/Inserts - Custom | Orthoses: Prefabricated (Non-Custom Fabricated) | Surgical Dressings | Pneumatic Compression Devices and/or Supplies | Orthoses: Custom Fabricated | Traction Equipment | Canes and/or Crutches | Orthoses: Off-The-Shelf | Osteogenesis Stimulators | Diabetic Shoes and Inserts
Contracted for Competitive Bidding Area (CBA): Yes