Business Name: CALIGOR RX INC
Address: 1226 LEXINGTON AVE, NEW YORK, NY 10028-1446
Phone: (212) 369-6000
Certification Date: January 8, 2021
Specialties: Certified Other|MSC With Orthotic Personnel|Pharmacy
Provider Types:
Supplies: Parenteral Nutrients | (TENS) Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulators and/or Supplies | Patient Lifts | Surgical Dressings | External Infusion Pumps and/or Supplies | Parenteral Equipment and/or Supplies | Wheelchair Seating/Cushions | Diabetic Shoes and Inserts | Ostomy Supplies | Nebulizer Drugs | Walkers | Oral Anticancer Drugs | Blood Glucose Monitors/Supplies (Non-Mail Order) | Neuromuscular Elect Stimulators (NMES)/Supplies | Traction Equipment | Wheelchairs (Standard Manual Related Accessories) | Nebulizer Equipment and/or Supplies | Neurostimulators and/or Supplies | Immunosuppressive Drugs | Urological Supplies | Automatic Ext Defibrillator (AEDS) and/or Supplies | Commodes, Urinals, Bedpans | Heat & Cold Applications | Wheelchairs (Complex Rehabilitative Manual) | Enteral Nutrients | Canes and/or Crutches | Wheelchairs (Standard Manual) | Wheelchairs (Complex Rehab Manual Rel Accessories) | Orthoses: Off-The-Shelf | Epoetin | Tracheotomy Supplies | Oral Antiemetic Drugs
Contracted for Competitive Bidding Area (CBA): Yes