Business Name: HY-VEE INC
Address: 4218 AVENUE OF THE CITIES, MOLINE, IL 61265-4544
Phone: (309) 764-4373
Certification Date: December 7, 2017
Specialties: Grocery Store|Pharmacy
Provider Types:
Supplies: Infusion Drugs | Commodes, Urinals, Bedpans | Ostomy Supplies | Nebulizer Drugs | Epoetin | Oral Antiemetic Drugs | Nebulizer Equipment and/or Supplies | Surgical Dressings | Immunosuppressive Drugs | Heat & Cold Applications | Walkers | Oral Anticancer Drugs | Blood Glucose Monitors/Supplies (Non-Mail Order) | Canes and/or Crutches | Orthoses: Off-The-Shelf | Urological Supplies
Contracted for Competitive Bidding Area (CBA): Yes