Business Name: CONTINUUM LLC
Address: 2536 E CASTOR AVE, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19134-5502
Phone: (215) 743-1100
Certification Date: January 1, 1998
Specialties: MSC With Respiratory Therapist|Medical Supply Company Other
Provider Types: OXYGEN & EQUIPMENT
Supplies: Diabetic Shoes and Inserts | Ostomy Supplies | Enteral Equipment and/or Supplies | Walkers | Canes and/or Crutches | Orthoses: Off-The-Shelf | Urological Supplies | Blood Glucose Monitors/Supplies (Mail Order) | Enteral Nutrients | Tracheotomy Supplies | Nebulizer Equipment and/or Supplies | Surgical Dressings
Contracted for Competitive Bidding Area (CBA): Yes