Phone: (918) 331-0550
County: Washington (730)
Ownership Type: For profit - Corporation
Certified Beds: 92
Average Residents Per Day: 46.7 ()
Provider Type: Medicare and Medicaid, Resides in Hospital: No
First Approved Date: April 26, 2012
Affiliated Entity: IGNITE MEDICAL RESORTS (279)
Retirement Community: N, Special Focus Status:
Ownership Change in Last 12 Months: N
Resident Family Council: None
Sprinkler System Status: Yes
Overall Rating: 4 ()
Health Inspection Rating: 4 ()
QM Rating: 4 ()
Long Stay QM Rating: (2)
Short Stay QM Rating: 4 ()
Staffing Rating: 2 ()
Staffing Report Note:
PT Staffing Note:
Nurse Aide Staff Hours Per Day, per resident: 1.96495, LPN Staff Hours Per Day: 1.8768, RN Staff Hours Per Day: 0.3643, Licensed Staff Hours Per Day: 2.2412
Total Nurse Staff Hours Per Day, per resident: 4.20620
Weekend Nurse Staff Hours: 3.95352, Weekend RN Staff Hours: 0.2303
PT Staff Hours Per Day, per resident: 0.0935
Nurse Staff Turnover: 55.1, Nurse Turnover Note:
RN Turnover: 50.0, RN Turnover Note:
Admin Left Number: 2, Admin Turnover Note:
Case Mix Nurse Aide Hours Per Day, per resident: 2.1618, Case Mix LPN Hours Per Day: 0.8326, Case Mix RN Hours Per Day: 0.4760
Adjusted Nurse Aide Hours Per Day, per resident: 1.85171, Adjusted LPN Hours Per Day: 1.6635, Adjusted RN Hours Per Day: 0.2884
Total Adjusted Nurse Hours Per Day, per resident: 3.82023
Adjusted Weekend Nurse Hours Per Day, per resident: 3.59073
Health Survey Dates and Scores: Cycle 1: 2023-10-26 (Score: 20), Cycle 2: 2022-04-06 (Score: 16), Cycle 3: 2019-10-31 (Score: 20)
Total Weighted Health Score: 18.667
Reported Incidents: 0, Substantiated Complaints: 0
Infection Control Citations: 0
Fines and Penalties: Number of Fines: 0, Total Fines in Dollars: 0.00, Payment Denials Number: 0, Total Penalties Number: 0
Location and GPS: 6006 SE ADAMS BLVD,BARTLESVILLE,OK,74006 (36.7425, -95.910)
Process Date: 2024-03-01
Each record details specific health deficiencies found during inspections, categorized by type, severity, and whether they were corrected. Below are the severity levels and their implications:
Type: Health, Deficiency: Ensure necessary information is communicated to the resident, and receiving health care provider at the time of a planned discharge.
Severity: D - Level 2: No actual harm with potential for more than minimal harm. Plan of Correction required.
Corrected: Deficient, Provider has date of correction on 2023-11-17
Type: Health, Deficiency: Try different approaches before using a bed rail. If a bed rail is needed, the facility must (1) assess a resident for safety risk; (2) review these risks and benefits with the resident/representative; (3) get informed consent; and (4) Correctly install and maintain the bed rail.
Severity: E - Level 2: No actual harm with potential for more than minimal harm. Plan of Correction required.
Corrected: Deficient, Provider has date of correction on 2023-11-17
Type: Health, Deficiency: Ensure food and drink is palatable, attractive, and at a safe and appetizing temperature.
Severity: E - Level 2: No actual harm with potential for more than minimal harm. Plan of Correction required.
Corrected: Deficient, Provider has date of correction on 2023-11-17
Type: Health, Deficiency: Provide pharmaceutical services to meet the needs of each resident and employ or obtain the services of a licensed pharmacist.
Severity: E - Level 2: No actual harm with potential for more than minimal harm. Plan of Correction required.
Corrected: Deficient, Provider has date of correction on 2022-05-18
Type: Health, Deficiency: Ensure medication error rates are not 5 percent or greater.
Severity: E - Level 2: No actual harm with potential for more than minimal harm. Plan of Correction required.
Corrected: Deficient, Provider has date of correction on 2022-05-18
Type: Health, Deficiency: Give residents notice of Medicaid/Medicare coverage and potential liability for services not covered.
Severity: D - Level 2: No actual harm with potential for more than minimal harm. Plan of Correction required.
Corrected: Deficient, Provider has date of correction on 2019-12-17
Type: Health, Deficiency: Provide timely notification to the resident, and if applicable to the resident representative and ombudsman, before transfer or discharge, including appeal rights.
Severity: D - Level 2: No actual harm with potential for more than minimal harm. Plan of Correction required.
Corrected: Deficient, Provider has date of correction on 2019-12-17
Type: Health, Deficiency: Notify the resident or the resident’s representative in writing how long the nursing home will hold the resident’s bed in cases of transfer to a hospital or therapeutic leave.
Severity: D - Level 2: No actual harm with potential for more than minimal harm. Plan of Correction required.
Corrected: Deficient, Provider has date of correction on 2019-12-17
Type: Health, Deficiency: Implement gradual dose reductions(GDR) and non-pharmacological interventions, unless contraindicated, prior to initiating or instead of continuing psychotropic medication; and PRN orders for psychotropic medications are only used when the medication is necessary and PRN use is limited.
Severity: E - Level 2: No actual harm with potential for more than minimal harm. Plan of Correction required.
Corrected: Deficient, Provider has date of correction on 2019-12-17
Each record details specific fire safety deficiencies found during inspections, categorized by type, severity, and whether they were corrected. Below are the severity levels and their implications:
Type: Fire Safety, Tag: 0222, Version: New
Description: Add doors in an exit area that do not require the use of a key from the exit side unless in case of special locking arrangements.
Severity: E - Level 2: No actual harm with potential for more than minimal harm. Plan of Correction required.
Corrected: Deficient, Provider has date of correction on 2022-05-18
Type: Fire Safety, Tag: 0321, Version: New
Description: Ensure that special areas are constructed so that walls can resist fire for one hour or have an approved fire extinguishing system.
Severity: E - Level 2: No actual harm with potential for more than minimal harm. Plan of Correction required.
Corrected: Deficient, Provider has date of correction on 2022-05-18
Type: Fire Safety, Tag: 0351, Version: New
Description: Install an approved automatic sprinkler system.
Severity: E - Level 2: No actual harm with potential for more than minimal harm. Plan of Correction required.
Corrected: Deficient, Provider has date of correction on 2022-05-18
Type: Fire Safety, Tag: 0923, Version: New
Description: Have proper medical gas storage and administration areas.
Severity: E - Level 2: No actual harm with potential for more than minimal harm. Plan of Correction required.
Corrected: Deficient, Provider has date of correction on 2022-05-18
Type: Fire Safety, Tag: 0222, Version: New
Description: Add doors in an exit area that do not require the use of a key from the exit side unless in case of special locking arrangements.
Severity: E - Level 2: No actual harm with potential for more than minimal harm. Plan of Correction required.
Corrected: Deficient, Provider has date of correction on 2018-08-20
Type: Fire Safety, Tag: 0712, Version: New
Description: Have simulated fire drills held at unexpected times.
Severity: F - Level 2: No actual harm with potential for more than minimal harm. Plan of Correction required.
Corrected: Deficient, Provider has date of correction on 2018-08-20